9 things people do at work when they’re actually not working!


It doesn’t matter if you love your job or not, you need a getaway once a while (read everyday). Everybody does it, getting off the chair and just go wandering around the office to do anything but work. There’s nothing wrong with doing that!

And for those of you who think they haven’t done anything like this before, here’s a list of 9 things people do at work when they’re actually not working. Take a look and learn!


#1 Watch cat videos, because why not?



#2 Secretly try to take a nap at work – Like a boss!



#3 Call up friends for plans after work; everybody likes to be prepared.



#4 Stare at the clock; sadly, it doesn’t make time go any faster!



#5 Get on to social networking websites and stalk ‘people’!



#6 Order food and wait till it’s delivered. Ah… that feeling when your phone rings!



#7 Daydream. Yep, just sit and… daydream. Many geniuses were born like that.



#8 Take a smoke break or maybe a several!



#9 DNLB – Do Nothing Look Busy (Yes, that will surely save your a** at work especially when your boss is around).



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9 things people do at work when they’re actually not working! written by Suyash Shukla average rating 5/5 - 1 user ratings
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