7 signs that prove you were born to party like a boss!

Just for laugh img

Not every person you meet is as hip as you’d want the person to be so you can sit back and chill with him/her. Some humans like to sit back and just… sit. You see, there’s no party in them and they don’t mind being like that and we aren’t judging. We’re only talking about the ones who live to party. The ones who are always ready to head out till the sun’s out. And if you think you were born to party like a boss, these points will help you figure better!

#1 Sick of home

Weekend or no weekend, you can’t afford to stay home. What if it’s your last day on earth? You obviously don’t want to be home and wait for the grim reaper; he’s not going to ask you out for beer, anyway!



#2 Always saying ‘yes’ to another round of drink

The only reason to say ‘no’ is when you’ve passed out or you’re driving home. Who said party people don’t play it safe? But then again, ‘yes’ sounds better than a ‘no’, yes? *just saying*



#3 Nothing makes you happy like impromptu plans

They are the best! Like getting cake and it’s not even your birthday! And who says no to cake? But if that plan is cancelled, you’re suddenly taking anti-depressants.



#4 You wait for the weekend like it’s your birthday

We’re sure everybody knows this feeling when the weekend is your own independence day and who doesn’t want to celebrate that with their closest ones? You’d kill yourself with work and the only thing that can bring you back to life is the weekend. True story.



#5 Music has to be loud

While driving, while eating, while going to sleep and of course when you’re down with alcohol, music is what gets you up and lets the people know that you’ve got moves like Jagger!



#6 Dance because you’ve got to express

Every party animal loves to dance. Heck, every drunken person at a party loves to dance. Your love for your friends is out there on the floor when you’re throwing the weirdest of weirdest moves at each other. Your move, bi*ch!



#7 Making further plans for the night

You haven’t event left the party but just because you were born to party, you have this ‘super sense’ which tells you that the party will be dead soon. So you just take the party to another club or to your house. It’s all the same when you’re with your entourage!



If you do all of the above or more than that, you know how to party like a boss!

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