5 ridiculously cool passports from around the world!


Who thought passports could be cool? I mean, they are just tiny (read very important) booklets that somehow prove to be a crucial identity proof across the globe for all of us.

Different nations around the world provide different coloured/style of passports to their citizens and there’s no denying the fact that us Indians have a cool shade of dark blue with that golden emboss making it look swanky AF.

Talking about swanky passports, unfortunately we are a little behind compared to a few nations who took their passport CQ (coolness quotient) to another level. If you aren’t aware of what we’re about; here’s a look at these amazingly cool passports from around the world and what makes them so unique!


1. Canada

We think Canada is the coolest one so far! It may look like just another passport to common people but here’s the trick – try putting it under UV lights and you’ll see magic. To protect the Canadian passports from forgeries, the Canadian law processes the passports for their citizens that glow in various colours and designs and the word mesmerising would be an understatement!



2. Norway

Talking about colourful papers under UV lights, Norway isn’t very far behind Canada. Depicting the Norwegian landscape when under UV lights, the Norwegian passport sparkles up making it look beautiful unlike any other. What adds to their charm is the fact that their passport’s outer covering comes in shades of white, blue and orange!



3. Finland

Ever played with a flipbook while you were a child? We bet all Finnish people with passports have! That’s right, all Finnish passports have an imprint of an elk on its pages and as you start flipping them in a swift motion, you can see the elk moving along walking on four legs! How cool is that?



4. Australia

So what if the Australian passports don’t glow? The unique part of their passports is the fact that each page of the Australian passport has a colourful artwork! This artwork depicts common things found in Australia like kangaroos, platypuses, the scenery etc. Who would want to stamp on that and ruin it?



5. China

Adding to the list of cool passports around the world is China. Again, under UV lights or black lights, the Chinese passport glows and depicts different places/monuments/cities in China along with their names. Isn’t that a very cool way to promote different places in the Chinese province?



If you know of any other passports that fall into the same category, do let us know in the comments section below!

PS – The story above was inspired by this article on Quora.

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