18 really unusual things you can buy on eBay


Online shopping offers many benefits like better prices, variety of goods, easy price comparison and convenience. However, the world of online shopping also offers products that sometimes just leave us flabbergasted. Here are 18 unusual things available for you to buy on eBay.

1) Unicorn Meat. Yes, canned unicorn meat is available for all you foodies on eBay!

Unicorn meat

2) Electric Toilet Tissue. Because normal paper tissue is too mainstream.

Electric toilet tissue

3) Elvis shaped potato chip. Can we also get the Ryan Gosling shape? Pretty please?

Elvis shaped chip

4) Vintage portrait of a weird creepy odd old guy. Makes for a perfect wall hanging for your living room. Doesn’t it?

Weird creepy portrait

5) And if your friends can’t stop talking about it, you can buy one for them too.

Vintage weird creepy odd old guy

6) But nothing beats this item. Available for you to buy at a great discount.

Indian man portrait

7) The book Chandler’s parents must have used for parenting tips.

How to traumatize your kids

8) We are totally getting one of these!

Handerpants gloves

9) If you fancy a pet, just get Eddie for less than a dollar.


10) But this is what happens when you get too many Eddies.

Crazy cat lady

11) Dino poop. Period.

Dino poop

12) For people who have trouble sticking to their diets, here’s a solution.

Diet kit

13) If you can’t get enough of bacon, here’s a way to start your day with it.

Bacon toothpaste

14) A solution to avoid commando nights #Instaunderpants

Instant Underpants

15) 14, yes, 14 human teeth at a ‘jaw dropping’ rate. Quite literally.

Lot of 14 adult teeth

16) Very rare indeed!

Naked lady coins

17) Slow clapping for the person who found it. Unfortunately, they ‘may not ship to India’.

rock that has a gate

18) Only because you need different cakes of soap for your front and rear.

Butt face coap

All pictures sourced from www.ebay.com

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