11 clichéd phrases with double meaning!


All of us have that one moment every day when we say something and the next second we realize how it could have an absolutely different (read double meaning) meaning. Here are 11 phrases with double meanings that plaster a smile on our faces every time somebody says it.

Double Meaning Phrases

1. It’s Hard!

Aren’t you glad?

woman hammering nail

2. Omg! It’s so big

 Leave Britney Alone! If something is big, it is just big.

Britney Spears

Source: giphy.com

3. Suck it

Alright, but just remember – it’s a two-way street!

Georgina gossip girl

Source: giphy.com

4. Please be gentle

By ‘gentle’, we mean, gentle to your pets, gentle with the glasses, gentle

cuddle cat-phrases with double meanings

Source: giphy.com

5. Was it inserted properly?

Like a card in an ATM machine, a battery in a phone, a straw in a can of juice. Why? What did you think?!

parrot using atm-animated photo

Source: giphy.com

6. Can I feel it?

Now wait a second! Don’t get ideas in your head!

Double meaning phrase-photo

7. Are you wet?

Because it’s raining outside! Duh!

mean girls cady

Source: giphy.com

8. It’s getting a bit nippy

You know that feeling when you are not prepared to fight the unexpected cold weather. 

animated snowfall with double meaning phrases

Source: giphy.com

9. Do you want it?

Heart-throb Robin Thicke’s message to all the ladies!

Robin Thicke

Source: giphy.com

10. Are you wearing protection?

Well, that’s a million dollar question!

Helmet Warning

11. Would you like to have a banana?

C’mon now! Give the fruit some respect!

Girl with banana

[Total: 1    Average: 5/5]
11 clichéd phrases with double meaning! written by Suyash Shukla average rating 5/5 - 1 user ratings
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