10 thoughts every guy has when his girlfriend tells him she’s having her period!


Ever understood what she is REALLY going through when she says the line ‘It’s that time of the month’? I bet most of us don’t!

We’ve often heard women say, ‘Being a guy is one of the simplest things in the world’. We beg to disagree! I mean tell THAT to your girlfriend when you wake up early morning with your mom standing on your head (sure all the men know what we’re talking about here).

But! We’re here to talk about how confusing a guy’s life gets when a woman (read – his girlfriend) tells him she’s having her period!

Before we go any further, remember – women are the most beautiful creation of god and every man MUST respect her under all circumstances!

Now, take a look at 10 thoughts every guy has when his girlfriend tells him she’s having her period!

1) ‘Boy, shouldn’t really mess with her! Shark mode is on!’


2) ‘I’d rather not talk to her right now; I might end up saying something which will backfire’


3) ‘I shouldn’t pamper her too much; she might just think I’m overdoing it’


4) ‘Should I talk about it? Or should I not talk about it?’


5) ‘Let’s buy a box of chocolates today. Or maybe ice cream!’


6) ‘Maybe I should plan a guy’s night out?’


7) ‘No action tonight! Arghhhh!’


8) ‘Maybe I should use the next 5 days to express all my love for her!’


9) ‘When will it get over!’


10) ‘I’m glad she’s didn’t miss it this month! LOL’


And if you need help figuring out how to handle a PMS-ing woman. Here’s the perfect guide.

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10 thoughts every guy has when his girlfriend tells him she’s having her period! written by Suyash Shukla average rating 3/5 - 1 user ratings
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