10 questions that everybody tries to avoid


There are ways to make a conversation better in order to keep it interesting but what if someone comes up with a question that ruins the whole experience of exchanging words? Here are 10 questions that everybody tries to avoid!


1. Why do you smoke?

Now, that question has been left unanswered so many times that you’ve lost count.


2. Why do you drink?

That question just makes us want to have another drink.



3. At what age did you lose your virginity?

This is where the sh*t gets real.




4. What are your future plans? 

Your relatives’ favourite question (read: weapon) and dodging this one ain’t that easy when you’re surrounded by them! 



5. How much do you earn?

Alright, slow down there! Geez.



6. Can you shut the f*** up?

They’re talking utter nonsense and you just have one question in mind. But some people shamelessly tackle this one and continue to rant! Y U DO DIS?



7. Have you ever peed your pants after getting drunk?

You’re out drinking with your buds, it’s time you had some fun with them.  Shoot some weird questions, make them spill some truth!



8. What are you doing with your life?

The long pause and that look on your face is the answer.  Sucks, doesn’t it?



9. I like Jessica Black! Do you?

Not just the question, avoid these people too!



10. Are you sexually active?

Whatever your answer is, you’re going down (no pun intended).


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