10 dumb things that happen in India that have no clear explanation!


It is very easy for a person to stereotype & judge others and let’s admit it; people take guilty pleasures out of doing it! Here are a few dumb things happen in India that don’t really make much sense. Take a look.

1.  You skin colour defines your personality.

Indians are big on skin (maybe we should just write colour in place of lightening products) lightening products. Some judge others for having darker skin and some are just judged in return. Ask yourself if it really matters? Does skin color change a person’s personality, confidence or their ability to look appealing? What a load of cr*p!


2.  The right age to get married!

If you’re a girl 25 is the upper limit to find a suitable husband (observed most commonly) and if you’re a guy, well you have about 5 years more! How about being 35 and still single irrespective of the gender? If you have it in you, believe us – you CAN find a suitable partner no matter how old or young you are!


3.  You deserve to be in prison if you’re gay while rapists walk around openly!

Well a law is a law. Whether it makes sense or not, there’s nothing much you can do about it till the entire nation stands together. But wait! How about doing something about the uneducated morons wandering out there harassing women on the streets? And if they do get caught, what next?


4.  You’re not supposed to talk to a stranger, but hey! You can marry one!

Most of the conservative families do not support love marriages and yet they find suitable life partners for their kids just by knowing about their family and professional career. Bravo! Yes, the family and the career DO (not) define the person’s outlook towards life.


5.  No non-veg on Tuesdays, Thursdays or Saturdays!

Bingeing on different non-vegetarian cuisines all through the week and suddenly feeling religious on a Tuesday? Why? Are the Gods not really bothered about the other days of the week? Why do it at all? OR better yet, turn into a vegetarian!


6. You can get married at 21 but will have to wait 4 years to officially have the first drink with your spouse!

Again, we are not here to talk about the laws but it’s kinda funny!


7.  Everything is plastic covered except your vitals (when required).

How often have you seen an uncle driving on the road in a not-so-new car with plastic covered seats? Yes, it does annoy the sh*t out of us but then like they say – to each his own! The major problem here is that condoms are a big taboo (or so people think) and they’re not ashamed of covering anything else for protection!


8. When superstition surpasses technology!

Nimbu mirchi on cars anyone? Black cat crossing the road? Not buying an electronic item on a Saturday? We wonder what’s going to happen if you don’t do it!


9. You can piss in public but you can’t kiss in public!

Admit it; there isn’t a single man in India who hasn’t taken a leak on the roadside. And while that seems pretty normal, spotting a couple kissing on the road makes the sh*t get real for the bystanders and how!


10. You don’t deserve a life if you didn’t study Science in 11th and 12th

Every Indian parent’s dream – putting their kids into an engineering college or a medical one! Why are other professions looked down upon? Why can’t a kid happily choose another area of interest and have a satisfactory life with happier parents?



This post was inspired by this thread on Quora.

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