10 Christmas cakes so good you wouldn’t want to eat them!

Christmas cakes-What's trending

Christmas has always been the highlight of winter. People all over the world celebrate this festival with great enthusiasm and end the year together with a bang. Now, every celebration is incomplete without a few things that are important and everyone loves having them in the house or at a Christmas party. Alcohol and food are some of the things that don’t need a mention but Christmas cakes are the highlight of the dinner table. There are many types of Christmas cakes; homemade, pre-ordered and some that are just too good to be eaten. 

And we found some Christmas cakes that were so good you wouldn’t want to eat them. Beware, these will give you hunger pangs in no time! Here you go.

#1 Even the raindeers from Santa’s sleigh wouldn’t want to ruin it. 

Christmas cake


#2 A Pingu Christmas cake that we wouldn’t want to cut, leaving us sad while we drool all over it.

Christmas cake


#3 If that cake was in front of us, it’d be one of the hardest task to control ourselves from touching it.

Christmas cake


#4 Even Santa would be mesmerized with this one.

Christmas cake


#5 It’d take a team of foodies to vanish this one but we’re afraid even they’d turn into dumb-drooling zombies who’d prefer just staring at it!

Christmas cake


#6 Not sure if something this beautiful actually exists.

Christmas cake


#7 Would have these in the living room rather than the big ass Christmas tree! 

Christmas cake


#8 This impeccable piece of art belongs in a cake museum. 

Christmas cake


#9 Current mood: *OM NOM NOM NOM* 

Christmas cake


#10 Just like a trophy, flaunt it in your living room.

Christmas cake

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